Medical and Accident Insurance for Martial Arts Schools

Martial arts, such as Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do, are contact sports. Students sparring with one another may sustain an injury that may affect their quality of life. Martial arts schools with no or adequate insurance coverage are at risk of incurring substantial financial loss, especially if their staff or students get hurt during a class session.

Prevent this from happening by securing medical and accident insurance from Martial Arts Group Insurance. This optional coverage in the liability insurance policy pays for the medical costs of a physically injured instructor, employee, or student. The maximum insurance benefit amount is $100,000.

Two Main Areas of Coverage

Our insurance policy comes with a medical expense benefit, which comes with a $250 deductible amount. This covers necessary medical and surgical procedures, including ambulance services, x-rays, dental treatment for oral injuries, and prescription medications.

This insurance policy also has accidental dismemberment and death benefits with a coverage amount of $100,000 and an aggregate limit of $500,000. We pay the following applicable amount for these situations:

  • Full Principal Sum: Death, Double Dismemberment, Quadriplegia (Paralysis of All Four Limbs), Loss of Speech, Hearing, and Sight
  • Half of the Principal Amount: Loss of One of the Following: Eye, Arm, Leg, Hand, and Foot, Paraplegia (Impairment of the Lower Extremities, and Coma (Provided as a Monthly Benefit)
  • A Quarter of the Principal Sum: Loss of Four Fingers (Same Hand), Index Finger, and Thumb

Why Purchase Medical and Accident Insurance

This form of insurance allows you to show the injured individual that you care about his/her health and well-being. Think of this coverage as a goodwill gesture. By paying for the medical expenses an injured student or staff member, you may be able to parry lawsuits directed at your martial arts school. Since they don’t need to worry about how to pay for medical treatment, the injured staff or student can fully concentrate on getting better.

Get Your Coverage from Us

We’ve been providing martial arts instructor insurance policies to more than 10,000 schools for at least three decades. Our company delivers superior customer service by taking note of your insurance-related concerns and suggesting a policy (and optional coverage) that satisfies the needs of your school or studio.

Obtain a free quote by calling 954-917-6889 or emailing [email protected].

FAQs About the Best Insurance for Martial Arts Schools

What Does Accident Medical Insurance Cover for a Martial Arts Studio?

Accident medical insurance coverage is designed to help with medical bills, surgical procedures, testing, dental treatment (oral injuries), medications, and more. It also comes with death benefits and dismemberment coverage.

Overall, this type of insurance is designed to protect your martial arts studio from legal repercussions if instructors or students are injured while on the property or training.

Does a Martial Arts School Really Need General Liability Insurance with Medical and Accident Coverage?

Yes, it’s wise for a martial arts school to have general liability insurance with optional medical/accident coverage. This will show your members and staff that you care about their health and well-being. Though you hope no one ever gets hurt on your property, it’s bound to happen at some point. Protecting yourself and others is crucial.

What Is Public Liability Insurance Coverage?

Public liability martial arts insurance will protect everyone from a financial loss if someone is injured and sues for bodily injury or property damage. This includes:

    • The martial arts business
    • The martial arts instructors
    • The owner of the martial arts studio
    • The students

Ultimately, if a participant, student, spectator, or visitor is injured while participating in various martial arts activities, events, or instruction, the coverage covers claims for legal fees and medical expenses.

What Is Professional Liability Coverage?

Professional liability insurance is often called errors and omissions coverage or malpractice insurance. Regardless, it’s designed to protect your financial future, including your reputation, license, and assets.

We call professional liability insurance medical and accident coverage, which is an add-on to your traditional general liability options. It covers you if someone files a claim against the martial arts school after being injured or having property damaged.

In most cases, it’s wise to have professional liability insurance because it protects you from the financial and emotional burden of paying out claims.

Why Is Martial Arts Insurance Coverage Important?

You need martial arts school insurance to protect your company from financial losses. Property damage and injuries can happen during events and training. Without it, you might be unable to pay for everyone’s court costs, medical bills, and settlements.

Overall, insurance protects you from lawsuits alleging bodily harm, property damage, and other claims. Unexpected accidents will no longer shut down your martial arts school or cause severe financial hardship.

Is Medical/Accident Coverage the Same as Martial Arts Liability Insurance?

No, our martial arts liability insurance primarily protects the owner, employees, and teachers from:

    • Destruction of equipment
    • Physical injury/death of the volunteers, spectators, and participants
    • Legal fees

It’s possible to tailor your insurance policy to include medical/accident coverage, which protects your martial arts studio from student, instructor, and employee claims of bodily injury.

The coverage covers necessary medical treatments and services, such as X-rays, surgical needs, hospital care, ambulance services, medications, and more.

Will General Liability Coverage Protect Martial Arts School Owners?

General liability insurance primarily covers property damage and bodily injury claims during contests, events, and practice sessions.

However, our martial arts insurance liability coverage goes a step further and offers optional features you may wish to add on, such as:

    • Medical/accident coverage
    • Separate medical expense benefits
    • Tournament coverage
    • Higher aggregate coverage
    • Independent contractor coverage
    • Vehicle liability coverage

How Do I Find a Reputable Martial Arts Insurance Company?

Owners of martial arts studios will need to thoroughly check each insurance company’s options to find the right coverage. Here are a few tips:

Know Your Risk

The first thing to do is know how risky your business is. Since you have multiple people coming in and out of the building all day, there’s a higher potential for them to get injured.

Get Quotes

It’s wise to get at least three quotes from different insurance companies. Compare the coverage options available and make a more informed decision.

Evaluate Your Needs

Don’t be afraid to contact the insurance company and ask questions. A representative will help you find the best policy.

Assess Your Needs Periodically

Things change, so it’s important to ensure that your current plan still meets your needs. Review your policy once a year.

What's Included in Most Martial Arts Insurance Policies?

Our liability insurance is designed to protect teachers, business owners, and employees from various types of claims. Whether you offer mixed martial arts or specific specialties, you’ll enjoy these perks:

    • Non-profit host liquor coverage
    • Defense fees
    • General negligence
    • Destruction of equipment
    • Physical death or injury

However, your martial arts business has much more to lose. Therefore, you can add to the general liability karate insurance by including tournament, independent contractor, and medical coverage.

Protect your martial arts instructors and the students who attend with one of our comprehensive coverage options.